屈鍵晴 WAT Kin Ching


WAT Kin Ching was born in Hong Kong in 1996.  She graduated from the Fine Arts Department of the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2020. Interested in the day-to-day emotions of city people, she strives to recount the experiences in the present world through arts, be it in a bleak sense or on a hopeful note.





現在只是25歲的我,活了大概人生的五分之二,不長也不算太短的日子; 亦總算有自己一套的生存/活方式/法,不然怎麼過日子。相信其他參加者/正在觀看的人,都活了一定的年月。我也不妨假設大部分在這裏細看的人,都把藝術放在心上,藝術在生活裏都佔有一定的重量。生存艱苦,但相信這體內佔有的重量,減輕了生活裏不少存活難耐的時候,所以才會繼續和這重量共存吧。









Been trying/thinking for some time, not sure where/which part of my thoughts to stop by and begin dwelling. But let me scribble my thoughts as they go; most of the things are not complete when they are birthed anyways.


Me being 25 years old, lived for around two-fifth of my life. Well, not overly long nor sickly short, and I do have my own way of surviving/living/approach (or else how would I have gone through those days). Other participants/readers, I believe, have also lived a certain amount of years. And let me assume the majority of people reading have in their heart a place for art: art holds an ounce of weight in our lives. Life is hard, but this weight in our bodies has taken up and lightened the unbearable moments of our being, and therefore we have chosen this weight to live with us/to live with this weight.


Perhaps, the reason why art fascinates the human soul is that she is and will never be a smooth and easy walk; humans would not have wanted to walk down a path free of toils and troubles. This path does not guarantee that things will always go well, just like you who love eating cakes, you wouldn’t want to taste a bad cake (no one would want that), but the reality is that the world works this way. We may choose not to eat cakes anymore because of that one horrible-tasting cake, and indeed, we wouldn’t be disappointed anymore. However, coming alongside is the impossibility of tasting more greatness/pleasantness. On another note, if you decide not to eat cakes because of one bad experience, the fact is that you love her less than you imagine. In this regard, may you choose to give up, perhaps it is not a bad thing after all.


Art should be something with infinite tolerance and inclusivity, although we are now living in a period where our freedom of creation/speech/life could just perish any day. But let us learn to walk through the cracks as the world gets harsher and harsher. For the power of art to radiate, we could only practice this act, practice our way of seeing be it visible or invisible. To prepare ourselves for a much more difficult road, I believe that the only way-in is to muster our strength to the best of our abilities. Yes, we may get lost, but do let us be lost. For we may then reach our destinations safe and sound.


It was said that infants are more sensitive to pain than adults, yet they are unable to express their pain with words, and adults may not be able to observe and understand the pain they are experiencing; only we ourselves in our babyhood know. Having said that, time has proven that we have traveled past all the challenges till this very stage. Perhaps, we are more able than we think we are in bearing our pains. After all, just a little bit more to “辛” (hardship in Chinese) changes it to “幸” (blissfulness in Chinese). Are you willing to write this a little bit more?


(文字由藝術家提供 Text by the artist.)