李曉巧 LI Xiaoqiao


2019年,李曉巧的研究方案獲得了香港博士研究生獎學金計畫(HKPFS)全額資助。李曉巧目前在香港浸會大學視覺藝術院進行視覺藝術方向博士(PhD)研究。他的作品曾獲英國〈Clifford Chance Purchase prize〉,《第四屆北京國際美術雙年展中國青年藝術家作品獎》和《第六屆大藝博優秀青年藝術家獎》等。


Xiaoqiao Li is an artist, researcher, curator and member of the Council of Macau International Printmaking Art Research Center. Xiaoqiao has been received many professional awards across the globe, including the Clifford Chance Purchase Prize in the UK and the Chinese Young Artists Award at the Beijing International Art Biennale, etc. In 2019, the Hong Kong Research Grants Council (RGC) offered him a Hong Kong PhD Fellowship to pursue a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Program in Visual Arts Studies at Academy of Visual Arts, Hong Kong Baptist University.










Practice-based Experimental Observation


The main methodology of my current research is based on the critical reflection of parallel alternation of studio practice and theoretical frameworks. In my research, practice as a methodology is a cyclic process of making/observing/reflecting and producing new results again after making. It is a method for exploring and examining insightful ideas, meaningful directions which are guided by practice. It combines theory and practice, intellectual knowledge and practical experience. It is based on the process of making a digital print-matrix, which will be the space that determines the variation of the data. For example, I usually start with a photographic image and then transcodes the functional logic of the image through a process that includes both purely handmade printmaking and digital means.

The basic model is: analogue film camera image – film development – image scanning – computer assisted – digital print / laser etching / 3D printing – intaglio and relief prints [based on laser etching] – virtual-digital-interactive-works


In the last 24 months, I have been unable to make art during the writing of my research papers, although I have been unable to do any actual art practice, but I think about and organise the theoretical framework of my practice.