陳毅哲 CHEN Yi Che

1992 年出生於台灣,我與家人是2000年發生在遠東的921大地震的倖存者之一,災後我們在原地重建家園。畢業於國立臺北藝術大學美術創作研究所(TNUA)。2014年至2016年,我開始在近郊城市淡水經營藝術空間 “ 十八巷五號 ” ,專注策劃有關當代藝術和流行文化的展覽,通過展覽擴展公眾對對 “ 社群 ” 的定義 。 我的藝術實踐結合空間實踐和集體記憶。在生活的環境中尋找邊緣和創造性的社群,挖掘他們珍藏一生的記憶。 我相信每個人都是歷史的容器。 借助我的實踐,試圖重建和連結城市中被遺棄或看不見的空間,讓不同生活方式的人們重新聯繫起來。

Born in Taiwan, 1992, my family was one of the survivors from the 921 earthquake that took place in Far East when I was little. Between 2014 and 2016, I started running an art space called‘ No.5, Lane 18 project ’in a suburb, Tamsui. I was focused on curating exhibitions about contemporary art and pop culture. Through out the execution of the exhibition, I extended my understanding about what ‘community’ means to the public. What I am actually interested in has always been space realization and collective memory.I am used to familiarizing myself into communities that are marginal and creative in the environment where I live along with the memories that the community cherishes throughout their lives. I believe everyone is a container of history. Through my art I try to rebuild and collect memories. In the end, the result is abandoned or invisible spaces and the goal is to connect people with different lifestyles.