林琬晴 LAM Yuen Ching, Esther

林琬晴(Es)1998年出⽣於⾹港,畢業於⾹港城市⼤學創意媒體學院(⼀級榮譽),為前⾹港 青年中樂團成員。 告解、混沌、救贖 對她來說,⼈並不如聖經所說依上帝的模樣製造,新媒體藝術是探討 ⾃身存在的過程。 於2018年起沉醉於⽇本昭和時期美學,並開始以舊式低像素DV機進⾏創作。錄像作品曾參 展於包括”SCM Annual, Not SCM Annual” (2020,⾹港,SCM V+ Gallery)Levitated Potentiality 2” 2019,⾹港,Ovolo South Side)、在這、仍在、現在2019,⾹港, Floating Projects)等展覽。2020年起全職從事藝術⾏政。

LAM Esther Yuen Ching was born in Hong Kong in 1998. Graduated from BA (Hons) in Creative Media (First Class Honour), School Of Creative Media, City University Of Hong Kong. Former member of Hong Kong Youth Chinese Orchestra. Confession, chaos, salvation – mankind are not replicas of god, instead, new media art is a progress to discover oneself. Inspired by Showa artists, she started to devote to create video works with old DV. Her video works are exhibited in exhibitions including ”SCM Annual, Not SCM Annual” (2020, Hong Kong, SCM V+ Gallery)Levitated Potentiality 2” 2019, Hong Kong, Ovolo South Side), ” Right Here, Left Now, Out There”2019, Hong Kong, Floating Projects). She is working as a full-time art administrator since 2020.





2020至2021間是轉變的⼀年 — 這⼀年,我從學⽣身份轉變至投身社會⼯作;在個⼈、家庭、疫情 等因素影響下,學習着如何適應這些轉變。 我們渴求⼀切可以回復正常,到底如何才能恢復正常?「正常」是主觀的判斷,在進⾏藝術創作、研究、構思或練習時,我們只好維持⼀貫的⽣活, 並告訴⾃⼰,這樣才是正常。




• 每天睡六至七⼩時;
• 早上喝⼀杯無糖⿊咖啡;
• 準時上班、準時下班;
• 每週四至五次有氧運動,每次30分鐘以上;
• 每週讀⼀本書。














以⽂字、錄像或照⽚將⽇常⽣活記錄下來,並多思 考⼈和社區的關係 。



A Guide to Maintaining Normality in Unusual Circumstances


The year between 2020 and 2021 was a year of change – a year in which my identity changed from being a student to working in society and learning how to adapt to these changes in the face of personal, family and epidemiological factors. We want everything to be normal again, but how do we get back to normal? ‘Normal’ is a subjective judgement; we have to maintain our regular lives and persuade ourselves that this is ‘normal’ when creating, researching, conceptualising or practising art.

Do not force yourself to create art

Creativity is supposed to be free and unfettered, and forcing yourself to create will not only lower the quality of your work, but also lose its core value.

Maintain a disciplined lifestyle

◦ Sleep six to seven hours a day;
◦ Drink a cup of black coffee without sugar in the morning;
◦ Go to work and leave on time;
◦ Do aerobic exercise four to five times a week for more than 30 minutes each time;
◦ Read a book once a week;


Say no to unnecessary messages

Try your best to spare those time to stay with your family, boyfriends and friends, and minimise replying to messages that are not directly related to yourself, so as to spend the extra time to gain creative inspiration.


Finish work three days before the deadline

Plan work that can be done by a single person and finish it three days before the deadline, and to allow more time for artistic creation.


Keeping the work table tidy

Tidy Up the table regularly, and keep files, tools, and trivial objects in order.


Develop good financial habits

Develop a habit of saving money, spending it wisely, and using the extra money for artistic creation.

Document as much as possible what inspires creativity

Document your daily life in writing, video or photographs, and think more about the relationship between people and the community.



我需要⼀個完全安靜的空間讓我進⾏創作,作為典型處女座,我最討厭計劃、規則被打破。 當我原有的計劃被⼈為因素打亂後,我便無法進⾏藝術創作。 這些⼈為因素不包括疫情,在疫情影響下,我可以接受世界的轉變,在特別的時代下,以有限的資源及另類的⽅式進⾏創作。然⽽,⼈為因素較⾃然因素更難料,突如其來的電話來電、電郵或短訊都會打斷我的創作靈感,使我難以進⾏藝術創作。 這⼀年,我們都在學習成為⼤⼈ — 我們貌似在說話技巧、緊急應變、⼯作效率、經濟收入上有了進步; 但作為藝術家,我感覺我漸漸失去了藝術家應有的創意、突破、美感、甚至是敢⾔。 我渴求更多在美術、空間、甚至哲學上的進步,但我在藝術⽅⾯的因⼦卻逐漸倒退。


As a typical virgo, I hate my plans and rules are broken. Whenever my original plans are disrupted by other people, I am not able to make art. These factors do not include the epidemic, under this circumstance, I could accept the changes in the world and create with limited resources and in an alternative way in a particular time. However, the human factor is more unpredictable than the natural, a sudden phone call, email or text message can interrupt my creative inspiration and make it difficult for me to continue. Over the years, we have all been learning to become adults – we seem to have improved in speaking skills, ability to respond to emergencies, work efficiency and finance; but as an artist, I feel that I have gradually lost the creativity, breakthroughs, aesthetics and even the courage to speak out. I urge to make more progress in art, space and even philosophy, but I am gradually regressing in my artistic talents.