Florence LAM

Florence Lam於1992年出生於加拿大溫哥華,在香港長大,目前往返於香港和歐洲生活與工作。她以wonder和心理學上的魔術思考作為靈感,透過行為藝術,文字,影像和聲音,將當代倫理問題與孩童般的世界觀結合。 她於2014年在英國倫敦中央聖馬丁學院獲得學士學位,2017年在冰島藝術學院取得碩士學位。

她曾於歐洲和亞洲等地展覽,包括香港Hidden Space(2020),1a space(2020),台北南海藝廊(2019), 日本千葉縣立美術館(2019),羅馬當代藝術博物館(2018),冰島Kling & Bang畫廊(2018), 蘇黎世歐洲宣言展(2016)等。藝術節包括冰島A!行為藝術節(2019),德國奧斯納布魯克YUP行為藝術節(2019),烏克蘭利沃夫ZABIH行為藝術節(2019),冰島雷克雅維克藝術節(2018),波蘭盧布林行為藝術平台(2017),冰島時序藝術節(2017),挪威卑爾根開放行為藝術節(2017)等。

Florence Lam, born in 1992 in Vancouver, Canada and grew up in Hong Kong, is currently based between Hong Kong and Europe. Lam works with wonder and magical thinking to fuse together current moral issues with child-like world views through performance art, poetry, video and sound. She obtained her MA Fine Art from Iceland Academy of the Arts in 2017 and her BA Fine Art from Central Saint Martins in 2014.

Lam has performed around Europe and Asia, including Hidden Space (Hong Kong, 2020); 1a space (Hong Kong, 2020); Nanhai Gallery (Taipei, Taiwan 2019); Chiba Prefectural Museum of Art (Japan 2019), MACRO Testattio Mattatoio Art Museum (Rome, Italy 2018), Kling & Bang (Reykjavík, Iceland 2018), Manifesta 11 (Zürich, Switzerland 2016) etc. Art festivals include A! Performance Festival (Akureyri, Iceland 2019), YUP Festival (Osnabrück, Germany 2019), ZABIH Performance Festival (Lviv, Ukraine 2019), Reykjavík Arts Festival (Reykjavík, Iceland 2019), Performance Platform Lublin (Lublin, Poland 2017), Sequences Art Festival (Reykjavík, Iceland 2017), Performance Art Bergen Open (Bergen, Norway, 2017) etc.





(昇)在我沒意識到的黑暗裡頭,柔和的光線從眼皮滲入,充滿了整個眼球並伸入我的頭骨,穿過的大腦浸透到了後尾枕。 周圍出現物理聲音。過了一會,我眼睛釋放一條小縫。

(落)枕頭,床,毯子。 平躺。閉上眼睛。放鬆我所有的肌肉。再檢查我的身體幾次,檢查是否有一些小塊的肌肉我忘記放鬆了。感覺我的身體沉入地下。我停止思考。全都在休息,意識轉化為空白。然後消失。


Magical Thinking


(rise) Out of the darkness that I am not aware of a soft light seeps through my eyelids, filling my entire eyeball and reaches into my skull, soaking through my brain to the back of my head. Sounds of the physical surrounding emerge. After a while, I release a small gap in my eyes.

(set) The pillow, the bed, the blanket. Lying flat. Eyes closed. Relaxing all my muscles. Going through my body a few more times to check if there are some small pieces of muscles that I forgot to relax. Feeling the weight of my body sinking into the ground. I stop my mind. All at rest, and consciousness transforms into emptiness. And then disappear.