李繼忠,《通往深海的狹道 第二章:吸煙的女人》(2019),錄像截圖
Lee Kai Chung, The Narrow Road to the Deep Sea-Part II: The Smoking Lady(2019), video still

李繼忠,暴動歷史 (節目主持)| 單頻道錄像|6’43″|16:9|黑白|雙聲道
LEE Kai Chung, The History of Riots (The DJ) | Single-channel video | 6’43” | 16:9 | B&W | Stereo

李繼忠,《通往深海的狹道,第五部:長夜將盡》|雙頻錄像裝置(數碼與8毫米菲林錄像)|21’05” | 彩色 | 16:9 | 雙聲道 | 廣東話|中英文字幕
LEE Kai Chung, The Narrow Road to the Deep Sea – Part V: The Remains of the Night | Double-channel video installation (Digital video, super 8 film)|21’05″| Colour | Stereo |Cantonese| Chinese and English subtitles

LEE Kai Chung, The Retrieval, Restoration and Predicament (Installation view | 2020)