荃灣柴灣角街,晴,20秒,24×60吋 祈德尊新——荃灣是新界首個新市鎮,該邨以紀念在1952至1981年期間擔任房協主席的祈德尊爵士命名。1989年,當時的總督衞奕信爵士伉儷為屋邨主持開幕典禮。
Chai Wan Kok Street, Tsuen Wan, sunny, 20 seconds, 24 x 60 inches Clague Garden Estate ‒ Tsuen Wan was the first new town to be developed in the New Territories, and the housing estate was named after Sir Douglas Clague, Chairman of the Housing Society from 1952 to 1981. In 1989, the-then Governor Sir David Wilson and his wife officiated the opening ceremony of the housing estate.