現成物 Found object

鄭天依 ZHENG Tianyi

她說她想要去一個很遙遠的星球 The Freeway to a New Planet
現成物,類比攝影,裝置,投影 Found objects, analog photography, installation, video projection
一組十件 A set of 10

楔子:在這條高速上睡著了 Intro. Fall asleep on the freeway

無處巡遊 The Cruise to Nowhere
網站 Website
一組三十版網頁 A set of 30 webpages

無處巡遊 The Cruise to Nowhere
網站 Website
一組三十版網頁 A set of 30 webpages

無處巡遊 The Cruise to Nowhere
網站 Website
一組三十版網頁 A set of 30 webpages

無處巡遊 The Cruise to Nowhere
網站 Website
一組三十版網頁 A set of 30 webpages

她說她想要去一個很遙遠的星球 The Freeway to a New Planet
現成物,類比攝影,裝置,投影 Found objects, analog photography, installation, video projection
一組十件 A set of 10

一:座標未知的森林 1.Plastic forest

她說她想要去一個很遙遠的星球 The Freeway to a New Planet
現成物,類比攝影,裝置,投影 Found objects, analog photography, installation, video projection
一組十件 A set of 10

一:座標未知的森林 1.Plastic forest

她說她想要去一個很遙遠的星球 The Freeway to a New Planet
現成物,類比攝影,裝置,投影 Found objects, analog photography, installation, video projection
一組十件 A set of 10

一:座標未知的森林 1.Plastic forest

她說她想要去一個很遙遠的星球 The Freeway to a New Planet
現成物,類比攝影,裝置,投影 Found objects, analog photography, installation, video projection
一組十件 A set of 10

二:隨身攜帶的家(香港製造) 2.Carry-on home (made in HK)

她說她想要去一個很遙遠的星球 The Freeway to a New Planet
現成物,類比攝影,裝置,投影 Found objects, analog photography, installation, video projection
一組十件 A set of 10

二:隨身攜帶的家(香港製造) 2.Carry-on home (made in HK)

她說她想要去一個很遙遠的星球 The Freeway to a New Planet
現成物,類比攝影,裝置,投影 Found objects, analog photography, installation, video projection
一組十件 A set of 10

二:隨身攜帶的家(香港製造) 2.Carry-on home (made in HK)

她說她想要去一個很遙遠的星球 The Freeway to a New Planet
現成物,類比攝影,裝置,投影 Found objects, analog photography, installation, video projection
一組十件 A set of 10

二:隨身攜帶的家(香港製造) 2.Carry-on home (made in HK)

她說她想要去一個很遙遠的星球 The Freeway to a New Planet
現成物,類比攝影,裝置,投影 Found objects, analog photography, installation, video projection
一組十件 A set of 10

三:沙發尚有餘溫(有誰剛走) 3.Just left (still warm)

她說她想要去一個很遙遠的星球 The Freeway to a New Planet
現成物,類比攝影,裝置,投影 Found objects, analog photography, installation, video projection
一組十件 A set of 10

四:惡夢太空艙 4.Nightmare capsule

她說她想要去一個很遙遠的星球 The Freeway to a New Planet
現成物,類比攝影,裝置,投影 Found objects, analog photography, installation, video projection
一組十件 A set of 10

五:新月升起的時候這裡是新的星球 5.New moon on the new planet

她說她想要去一個很遙遠的星球 The Freeway to a New Planet
現成物,類比攝影,裝置,投影 Found objects, analog photography, installation, video projection
一組十件 A set of 10

六:翻新還在繼續 6.Endless renovation

她說她想要去一個很遙遠的星球 The Freeway to a New Planet
現成物,類比攝影,裝置,投影 Found objects, analog photography, installation, video projection
一組十件 A set of 10

七:一起看五分鐘的電視海 7.TV Sea

她說她想要去一個很遙遠的星球 The Freeway to a New Planet
現成物,類比攝影,裝置,投影 Found objects, analog photography, installation, video projection
一組十件 A set of 10

八:靜物在靜靜等待 8.Still life

她說她想要去一個很遙遠的星球 The Freeway to a New Planet
現成物,類比攝影,裝置,投影 Found objects, analog photography, installation, video projection
一組十件 A set of 10

九:出海的人尚未回家 9.Melting into a sea

2019-20 工作室 studio

2020-21 工作室 studio

無所事事 Nothing Exercise
裝置 Installation view

無所事事_練習一:拾磚 Nothing Exercise_1. Picking up bricks from the border
磚,類比攝影,燈箱,行為錄像 Bricks, analog photography, lightbox, performance video
尺寸可變 Size variable
10′ 56″

無所事事_練習一:拾磚 Nothing Exercise_1. Picking up bricks from the border
磚,類比攝影,燈箱,行為錄像 Bricks, analog photography, lightbox, performance video
尺寸可變 Size variable
10′ 56″

無所事事_練習二:捕風 Nothing Exercise_2. Catch the wind with a mattress bag
行為錄像 Performance video

無所事事_練習三:築堤 Nothing Exercise_3. Build a dike on the sandpit
行為錄像 Performance video

無所事事_練習四:升旗 Nothing Exercise_4. Fly a kite as a flag
行為 Performance

無所事事_練習四:升旗 Nothing Exercise_4. Fly a kite as a flag
行為 Performance

魔幻寫實現場直播系列 Magical Realism LIVE Broadcast Series
與黃百亨共同創作 Collaboration with Wong Pak Hang
互動式直播 Interactive Live Performance
尺寸可變 Duration Variable

魔幻六四 LIVE June 4 LIVE Broadcast

魔幻寫實現場直播系列 Magical Realism LIVE Broadcast Series
與黃百亨共同創作 Collaboration with Wong Pak Hang
互動式直播 Interactive Live Performance
尺寸可變 Duration Variable

清明魔幻寫實現場直播 Qingming Festival Magic Realism LIVE Broadcast

魔幻寫實現場直播系列 Magical Realism LIVE Broadcast Series
與黃百亨共同創作 Collaboration with Wong Pak Hang
互動式直播 Interactive Live Performance
尺寸可變 Duration Variable

日曜日Tea Time 魔幻LIVE Sunday Tea Time Magic LIVE Broadcast

每天做一支旗 Every day I make a flag
裝置圖 Installation View

每天做一支旗 Every day I make a flag
垃圾 Trash
尺寸可變 Size variable
一組二十二件 A set of 22

旗 Flag 001
希望你安全 I wish you are safe
鋼管,嬰兒車傘 Steel tube, Baby parasol

每天做一支旗 Every day I make a flag
垃圾 Trash
尺寸可變 Size variable
一組二十二件 A set of 22

旗 Flag 002
希望你夠暖 I wish you are warm
短褲,柳枝 Shorts, willow branch

旗 Flag 003
希望你冇受威脅 I wish you are not threatened
撲粉器,紅色塑膠片 Powder blower, red plastic fragment

每天做一支旗 Every day I make a flag
垃圾 Trash
尺寸可變 Size variable
一組二十二件 A set of 22

旗 Flag 004
希望我可以幫手 I wish I can help
工人手套,鋼棍 Rubber coated gloves, steel rod

每天做一支旗 Every day I make a flag
垃圾 Trash
尺寸可變 Size variable
一組二十二件 A set of 22

旗 Flag 005
希望一切會結束 I wish it will end
藍色毛巾,摺尺,木夾,尼龍繩 Blue towel, folding ruler, wooden clips, nylon strings

每天做一支旗 Every day I make a flag
垃圾 Trash
尺寸可變 Size variable
一組二十二件 A set of 22

旗 Flag 006
希望我地會再見 I wish we will meet again
桌球網,木棍 Table tennis net, wooden stick

每天做一支旗 Every day I make a flag
垃圾 Trash
尺寸可變 Size variable
一組二十二件 A set of 22

旗 Flag 007
希望你訓得好 I wish you sleep well
黑色膠片,銅條 Black PETG sheet, copper rod

每天做一支旗 Every day I make a flag
垃圾 Trash
尺寸可變 Size variable
一組二十二件 A set of 22

旗 Flag 008
希望我地會贏 I wish we will win
膠管,腰帶 Plastic pipe, cotton belt

每天做一支旗 Every day I make a flag
垃圾 Trash
尺寸可變 Size variable
一組二十二件 A set of 22

旗 Flag 009
希望你唔會恐懼 I wish you have no fear
海綿,玩具,電線 Sponge, toy, cables

每天做一支旗 Every day I make a flag
垃圾 Trash
尺寸可變 Size variable
一組二十二件 A set of 22

旗 Flag 010
希望佢哋會死曬 I wish they will die (of coz they will)
砧板,花灑架 Chopper board, shower riser

每天做一支旗 Every day I make a flag
垃圾 Trash
尺寸可變 Size variable
一組二十二件 A set of 22

旗 Flag 011
希望你可以逃走 I wish you can escape
鐵支,綠色海綿 Steel rod, green sponge

每天做一支旗 Every day I make a flag
垃圾 Trash
尺寸可變 Size variable
一組二十二件 A set of 22

旗 Flag 012
希望你堅強 I wish you stay strong
包裝膠,鋸條,釘 Bubble wrap, saw blade, nails

每天做一支旗 Every day I make a flag
垃圾 Trash
尺寸可變 Size variable
一組二十二件 A set of 22

旗 Flag 013
希望光會亮 She wishes the light will on
棉,膠叉,膠帶 Cotton, plastic fork , tape

每天做一支旗 Every day I make a flag
垃圾 Trash
尺寸可變 Size variable
一組二十二件 A set of 22

旗 Flag 014
希望你唔會喊 I wish you won’t tear
魚膠袋,鋼棍,水 Plastic fishing bag, steel tube, water

每天做一支旗 Every day I make a flag
垃圾 Trash
尺寸可變 Size variable
一組二十二件 A set of 22

旗 Flag 015
希望我地唔會發惡夢 I wish we won’t have nightmare
麵團刀,軟膠管 Steel dough scraper, rubber foam

每天做一支旗 Every day I make a flag
垃圾 Trash
尺寸可變 Size variable
一組二十二件 A set of 22

旗 Flag 016
希望你可以等待 I wish you can wait
蚊拍,粉絲 Fly swatter, rice noodles

每天做一支旗 Every day I make a flag
垃圾 Trash
尺寸可變 Size variable
一組二十二件 A set of 22

旗 Flag 017
希望我地可以行八千里路 I wish we can walk 8000 miles
地毯,竹篾,鐵夾 Carpet, bamboo slat, steel clips

每天做一支旗 Every day I make a flag
垃圾 Trash
尺寸可變 Size variable
一組二十二件 A set of 22

旗 Flag 018
希望你唔會後悔 I wish you won’t regret
相框,膠報紙夾 Frame, plastic binding strip

每天做一支旗 Every day I make a flag
垃圾 Trash
尺寸可變 Size variable
一組二十二件 A set of 22

旗 Flag 019
希望你遲些可以回來 I wish you could come back later
膠板,倒後鏡,橡筋 Plastic board, broken motor side mirror, rubber band

每天做一支旗 Every day I make a flag
垃圾 Trash
尺寸可變 Size variable
一組二十二件 A set of 22

旗 Flag 020
希望你得到治癒 I wish you heal
膠管,泡沫膠 Plastic tub, PU foam

每天做一支旗 Every day I make a flag
垃圾 Trash
尺寸可變 Size variable
一組二十二件 A set of 22

旗 Flag 021
希望你得到休息 I wish you can have a rest
發泡膠,假天花鋁條 Styrofoam, aluminium ceiling grid

每天做一支旗 Every day I make a flag
垃圾 Trash
尺寸可變 Size variable
一組二十二件 A set of 22

旗 Flag 022
希望你唔會忘記 I wish you won’t forget
廚紙夾,棍,紙皮,鎖匙扣 Kitchen roll holder, pivot rod, paperboard, key chain ring

二零一九夏 A Reminder from Last Summer
發泡膠,膠管,豆袋,保溫錫紙,暖燈,風扇,玩具,傘,浮床,膠板,電筒,機動裝置,動畫 Foam, plastic tube, bean bag, warming sheet, warming light, fan, figure, umbrella, swimming air bed, plastic board, toys, electric torch, mechanical device, styrofoam, animation
一組六件,尺寸可變 A set of 6, size variable

裝置圖 Installation view

二零一九夏 A Reminder from Last Summer
發泡膠,膠管,豆袋,保溫錫紙,暖燈,風扇,玩具,傘,浮床,膠板,電筒,機動裝置,動畫 Foam, plastic tube, bean bag, warming sheet, warming light, fan, figure, umbrella, swimming air bed, plastic board, toys, electric torch, mechanical device, styrofoam, animation
一組六件,尺寸可變 A set of 6, size variable

場景一:燈塔 Scene001_Light house

二零一九夏 A Reminder from Last Summer
發泡膠,膠管,豆袋,保溫錫紙,暖燈,風扇,玩具,傘,浮床,膠板,電筒,機動裝置,動畫 Foam, plastic tube, bean bag, warming sheet, warming light, fan, figure, umbrella, swimming air bed, plastic board, toys, electric torch, mechanical device, styrofoam, animation
一組六件,尺寸可變 A set of 6, size variable

場景二:槍手和椰樹 Scene002_Spinning Gunman and Mr.PalmTree

二零一九夏 A Reminder from Last Summer
發泡膠,膠管,豆袋,保溫錫紙,暖燈,風扇,玩具,傘,浮床,膠板,電筒,機動裝置,動畫 Foam, plastic tube, bean bag, warming sheet, warming light, fan, figure, umbrella, swimming air bed, plastic board, toys, electric torch, mechanical device, styrofoam, animation
一組六件,尺寸可變 A set of 6, size variable

場景二:槍手和椰樹 Scene002_Spinning Gunman and Mr.PalmTree

二零一九夏 A Reminder from Last Summer
發泡膠,膠管,豆袋,保溫錫紙,暖燈,風扇,玩具,傘,浮床,膠板,電筒,機動裝置,動畫 Foam, plastic tube, bean bag, warming sheet, warming light, fan, figure, umbrella, swimming air bed, plastic board, toys, electric torch, mechanical device, styrofoam, animation
一組六件,尺寸可變 A set of 6, size variable

場景三:安全海 Scene003_A piece of safety sea

二零一九夏 A Reminder from Last Summer
發泡膠,膠管,豆袋,保溫錫紙,暖燈,風扇,玩具,傘,浮床,膠板,電筒,機動裝置,動畫 Foam, plastic tube, bean bag, warming sheet, warming light, fan, figure, umbrella, swimming air bed, plastic board, toys, electric torch, mechanical device, styrofoam, animation
一組六件,尺寸可變 A set of 6, size variable

場景四:急救員 Scene004_Fa and his umbrella

二零一九夏 A Reminder from Last Summer
發泡膠,膠管,豆袋,保溫錫紙,暖燈,風扇,玩具,傘,浮床,膠板,電筒,機動裝置,動畫 Foam, plastic tube, bean bag, warming sheet, warming light, fan, figure, umbrella, swimming air bed, plastic board, toys, electric torch, mechanical device, styrofoam, animation
一組六件,尺寸可變 A set of 6, size variable

場景五:海浪 Scene005_Waving pillow desk

二零一九夏 A Reminder from Last Summer
發泡膠,膠管,豆袋,保溫錫紙,暖燈,風扇,玩具,傘,浮床,膠板,電筒,機動裝置,動畫 Foam, plastic tube, bean bag, warming sheet, warming light, fan, figure, umbrella, swimming air bed, plastic board, toys, electric torch, mechanical device, styrofoam, animation
一組六件,尺寸可變 A set of 6, size variable

場景六:海灘 Scene006_Dancing in the beach