晏晝 Afternoons (2019)
16:9 | color | sound | 24’03”

晏晝 Afternoons (2019)
16:9 | color | sound | 24’03”

晏晝 Afternoons (2019)
16:9 | color | sound | 24’03”
小學之後不再與爺爺嫲嫲同住,嫲嫲也搬到老人院,隨著身體越漸衰弱也越來越少回家。有時探望他們,嫲嫲也在家的話,就享受在舊居百無聊賴,主要是嫲嫲說話、重複著話題的下午。 有時就分開探望老人院的嫲嫲,和住在附近但也不太方便走太遠路探望嫲嫲的爺爺。
2016 做了作品的第一部份,記錄了在爺爺家的一個下午,和與爺爺嫲嫲不同時候在老人院和舊居的對話,那時並沒有仔細分析那些對話。2019年偶爾有一晚回看這段影片,同樣沒有怎麼分析對話內容,就是很舒服的聽著嫲嫲的聲音,像收音機一樣。我於是決定再回顧一遍,加上嫲嫲過世後的一些下午的片段,好好認真紀錄一遍。
I don’t live with my grandparents anymore since I graduated from primary school. And my grandma has moved to the home for the aged since then, as her physical condition got weaker and weaker, she stayed home less frequent. Sometimes when I visited them, if grandma was also there, we would spend an afternoon basically doing nothing much, mainly with my grandma talking, repeating similar topics. Sometimes I would visit them separately, I would first visit grandma at the home for the aged, and then grandpa, who lives nearby but would be difficult for him to walk too far to visit grandma, or maybe vice versa.
In 2016, I made the first part of the video, recording one afternoon in grandpa’s home, and the conversations of different times at grandpa’s home and the home for the aged. At that time, I didn’t intend to analyse the conversations in detail. Then in 2019, I occasionally watched the video again one night, I still didn’t pay much attention to the content of the conversations, I was just listening to grandma’s voice comfortably like listening to the radio. Then, I decided to go through it once again, together with the afternoon moments after my grandma passed away, to take it serious and record what were once being said.

嫲嫲和爺爺的相片 Mahmah and Yeye’s Portraits

嫲嫲和爺爺的相片 Mahmah and Yeye’s Portraits

嫲嫲和爺爺的相片 Mahmah and Yeye’s Portraits

嫲嫲和爺爺的相片 Mahmah and Yeye’s Portraits

嫲嫲和爺爺的相片 Mahmah and Yeye’s Portraits

Vi de O ver 3 (2017)
17′ 2″

Vi de O ver 3 (2017)
17′ 2″

Vi de O ver 3 (2017)
17′ 2″

Vi de O ver 3 (2017)
17′ 2″
Vi de O ver.3 於2017年完成,作為 Vi de O ver.2 的延伸。
Having been to Cambodia volunteering for three times in the same school, from the second year onwards, I lent out toy cameras for the children to capture their own life instead of me capturing their life from my own perspective. All the videos and the playful color and animation effects came from the children and the effects from the toy camera. Those were the times when smartphones were still not commonly used in Cambodia. I visited these sceneries I could seldom reach at the school where I taught them through reviewing and composing these images from my students.
Vi de O ver.3 was made in 2017 as an extension of Vi de O ver.2

Void Circulation (2019)

Void Circulation (2019)

Void Circulation (2019)

Void Circulation (2019)

Void Circulation (2019)
此錄像以四個部分中時空的演算為基礎, 讓觀眾自行連繫時空之間的程序關係,並進一步連繫到對於人類處於未來的科技想像,物質成為人類身體的延伸,而物質同樣孕育身體。
When chaos reaches a certain level, there’s no longer need to distinguish matters, meanings, messages, good or evil…they are just existing as the condition they are in, to be there, in a neutral state, with no bias, no prejudice, no judgement, a direct existence in the cycle of nature, in a much larger scope of life, entering the void.
The project starts with a basis of practicing the algorithms of space and time throughout the four parts of the video, leaving audience to dissect the procedural relations among these images. This further links to the technological imagination of a future state of human with objects as the extension of body while objects as well nurture body.
There’s space, appearance of body in space. Going through a certain procedure, placing an object in the space. As the object is created, it soon stands alone as itself, leaving the creators’ body, meanwhile still containing the historical stories of the procedures and process of which the object has gone through. Objects and body could be further extended, leading to reconstruction of a certain time space. The order is placed with a certain algorithm, while it could be brought back to a shuffle, and be reconstructed with another set of algorithm, a Sisyphus in new order.