程新皓,《致海洋》,單屏錄像,49’56” | CHENG Xinhao, To the Ocean (2019),single-channel video, 49’56”
從昆明開始,在19 天內沿滇越鐵路步行446 千米,直到中國與越南的邊境。每公里撿拾一塊砟石背負在身上。
I walked 446km from Kunming to the borderline of Chinese-Vietnamese through the Yunnan-Vietnam Railway within 19 days.During the way, I picked up a stone in each kilometer and carried them with me.

程新皓,《致海洋》,單屏錄像,49’56” | CHENG Xinhao, To the Ocean (2019),single-channel video, 49’56”
從昆明開始,在19 天內沿滇越鐵路步行446 千米,直到中國與越南的邊境。每公里撿拾一塊砟石背負在身上。
I walked 446km from Kunming to the borderline of Chinese-Vietnamese through the Yunnan-Vietnam Railway within 19 days.During the way, I picked up a stone in each kilometer and carried them with me.

程新皓,《致海洋》,單屏錄像,49’56” | CHENG Xinhao, To the Ocean (2019),single-channel video, 49’56”
從昆明開始,在19 天內沿滇越鐵路步行446 千米,直到中國與越南的邊境。每公里撿拾一塊砟石背負在身上。
I walked 446km from Kunming to the borderline of Chinese-Vietnamese through the Yunnan-Vietnam Railway within 19 days.During the way, I picked up a stone in each kilometer and carried them with me.

程新皓,《來自鐵路的24 封郵件》(2020),假雜誌出版 | CHENG Xinhao,24 Letters from the Railway (2020), published by JZZP
2019 年12 月1 日開始,程新皓從昆明出發,沿著滇越鐵路向鐵路盡頭的海洋行走,每走一公里撿拾一塊鐵路上的砟石,每一天夜裡也會從雲南的不同角落給一位虛構的友人發一封郵件。最後,他用了19 天,走完了鐵路在雲南省境中的465 公里,身上的石頭重量達到了二十多公斤,已發送的郵件也積攢下了二十四封。
It is the 24 letters I wrote to a close friend X during the longwalk on the Yunnan-Vietnam Railway.

程新皓,《來自鐵路的24 封郵件》(2020),假雜誌出版 | CHENG Xinhao,24 Letters from the Railway (2020), published by JZZP
2019 年12 月1 日開始,程新皓從昆明出發,沿著滇越鐵路向鐵路盡頭的海洋行走,每走一公里撿拾一塊鐵路上的砟石,每一天夜裡也會從雲南的不同角落給一位虛構的友人發一封郵件。最後,他用了19 天,走完了鐵路在雲南省境中的465 公里,身上的石頭重量達到了二十多公斤,已發送的郵件也積攢下了二十四封。
It is the 24 letters I wrote to a close friend X during the longwalk on the Yunnan-Vietnam Railway.

程新皓,《平行線條的透視法》(2020),單屏錄像,21’23” | Linear Perspective (2020), single-channel video, 21’23”
In this long take, the orthogonal railroads divide the scene, guiding and defining the order and possibilities of seeing. On this stage, contrived events and chance encounters play out simultaneously.