廉價藝術 Cheap art

無碼計劃 Project NoCode

不會開場的電影 A Film that Never Begins (2020)

視頻 Video

– 電影什麽時候開場?
– 快了快了。

– When will the film begin?
– Soon.
A film that never actually begins but only plays various film company logos in loops. A screening of this video was held on the night of May 14, 2020 outside the abandoned Shanxi Theatre, 470 North Shanxi Road, Zhabei District, Shanghai. It was the 111st day since the shutdown of all movie theaters in mainland China, caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The theaters would remain closed for the next 66 days.

不會開場的電影 A Film that Never Begins (2020)

視頻 Video

不會開場的電影 A Film that Never Begins (2020)

視頻 Video

不會開場的電影 A Film that Never Begins (2020)

視頻 Video

不會開場的電影 A Film that Never Begins (2020)

視頻 Video

不會開場的電影 A Film that Never Begins (2020)

視頻 Video

不會開場的電影 A Film that Never Begins (2020)

視頻 Video

不會開場的電影 A Film that Never Begins (2020)

視頻 Video

不會開場的電影 A Film that Never Begins (2020)

視頻 Video

不會開場的電影 A Film that Never Begins (2020)

視頻 Video

無碼計劃 logo
Project NoCode logo

BA0056 保安
Security Guard BA0056 (2020)
交互視頻 Interactive Video

A projected virtual security guard that reads your temperature and appreciates your cooperation.

BA0056 保安
Security Guard BA0056 (2020)

BA0056 保安
Security Guard BA0056 (2020)

BA0056 保安
Security Guard BA0056 (2020)

BA0056 保安
Security Guard BA0056 (2020)

BA0056 保安
Security Guard BA0056 (2020)

BA0056 保安
Security Guard BA0056 (2020)

掃馬 Sweeping Ponies (2020)

beauty code demonstration of application


2020 arrived, and I formed the habit of sweeping ponies. No matter where I am, if I see ponies, I sweep
‘em. After I started sweeping ponies, I’ve got rid of my aches in the waist and in the legs. Everything I eat
tastes delicious, and my health improved. I can now sweep fifty horses at a time without much effort. The
dark night gave me a black broom, yet I use it to sweep ponies. Why do I always have a broom in my
hand? It is because I sweep ponies with profound emotion. The ponies are great, and so am I.

掃馬 Sweeping Ponies (2020)

漂亮碼海報 beauty-code-poster

掃馬 Sweeping Ponies (2020)

敬業碼應用展示 dedication code demonstration of application

掃馬 Sweeping Ponies (2020)

敬業碼海報 dedication-code-poster

掃馬 Sweeping Ponies (2020)

孝順碼應用展示 filial piety code demonstration of application

掃馬 Sweeping Ponies (2020)

孝順碼海報 filial-piety-code-poster

掃馬 Sweeping Ponies (2020)

誠信碼應用展示integrity code demonstration of application

掃馬 Sweeping Ponies (2020)


掃馬 Sweeping Ponies (2020)

友善碼應用展示 kindness code demonstration of application

掃馬 Sweeping Ponies (2020)

友善碼海報 kindness-code-poster

二進制社會 (手機應用界面) Social Binaries (app interface) (2020)

裝置 Installation


Social Binaries expands the use of the widely adopted health code system into several more cultural
values. The project deconstructs the information asymmetry between a user and the designer of an
opaque system such as the health QR code. Users can scan the QR code and receive a rating on beauty,
kindness, dedication, filial piety and integrity. By subjecting these values to computational evaluation,
Social Binaries highlights the increasing influence of algorithmic control in everyday life.

二進制社會 (手機應用界面) Social Binaries (app interface) (2020)

裝置 Installation

二進制社會 (手機應用界面) Social Binaries (app interface) (2020)

裝置 Installation

二進制社會 (局部) Social Binaries (details)(2020)

裝置 Installation

二進制社會 (局部) Social Binaries (details)(2020)

裝置 Installation

二進制社會 (局部) Social Binaries (details)(2020)

裝置 Installation

二進制社會 (局部) Social Binaries (details)(2020)

裝置 Installation

二進制社會 (局部) Social Binaries (details)(2020)

裝置 Installation

二進制社會 (局部) Social Binaries (details)(2020)

裝置 Installation

二進制社會 (局部) Social Binaries (details)(2020)

裝置 Installation

二進制社會(背面-圖示) Social Binaries (Back) (2020)

裝置 Installation

Telephone (2020)

交互裝置 Interactive Installation

與上海市嚴橋鎮寰宇電訊有限公司聯合創作 Co-produced with Shanghai Switcheristic Telecommunications Co., Ltd.

A telephone system, repurposed for socially-distanced conversations.

Telephone (2020)

Telephone (2020)