A coin with a lion on it holding the Pearl of the Orient. A hole is drilled in the pearl, turning the coin into a tiny aperture.
At present, most public phone booths are marked with a notice of suspension of service. In more than half of these booths, the lightboxes are broken. A reflective cover is wrapped around the phone booth, and 18 sheets of photographic papers are glued to the insides of the unlit booth. The projection is turned into negatives through the aperture.
荃灣柴灣角街,晴,20秒,24×60吋 祈德尊新——荃灣是新界首個新市鎮,該邨以紀念在1952至1981年期間擔任房協主席的祈德尊爵士命名。1989年,當時的總督衞奕信爵士伉儷為屋邨主持開幕典禮。
Chai Wan Kok Street, Tsuen Wan, sunny, 20 seconds, 24 x 60 inches Clague Garden Estate ‒ Tsuen Wan was the first new town to be developed in the New Territories, and the housing estate was named after Sir Douglas Clague, Chairman of the Housing Society from 1952 to 1981. In 1989, the-then Governor Sir David Wilson and his wife officiated the opening ceremony of the housing estate.
通訊局決定剔除765個公眾收費電話亭 (約佔公眾收費電話亭總數的50%),截至2020年3月,當中23%的電話機已被拆除。
The Communications Authority decided to exclude 765 kiosk type public payphones (about 50% of the total number of kiosk type public payphones), with about 23% of them dismantled as of March 2020.
Every public phone booth has a designated number, and its coordinates can be located in the records of the Communications Authority. However, in view of the continuous decline in public demand for phone booths, the Communications Authority had plans to complete the review of its proposal to remove telephone booths by the end of 2019.
太子彌敦道,陰晴不定,1分15秒,24×60吋 太子站——2019年8月31日後,太子站B出口封閉,市民每天在太子站獻上白色鮮花。 花束佈滿站外,成為墓碑。2019年10月10日仍未解封。
Nathan Road, Prince Edward, overcast, 1 minute 15 seconds, 24 x 60 inches MTR Prince Edward Station ‒ after 31 August 2019, the Exit B1 of Prince Edward Station was closed. Some Hong Kong citizens left white flowers outside the exit every day, turning it into a gravestone. As of 10 October 2019, the exit remained closed.
香港大會堂,晴,25秒,24×60吋 和平紀念碑——刻有 ‘The Glorious Dead’ 並分別刻上第一次與第二次世界大戰的年份,悼念死難者。八十年代碑的側面再刻上「英魂不朽 浩氣長存」。
Hong Kong City Hall, sunny, 25 seconds, 24 x 60 inches The Cenotaph ‒ a memorial formally constructed to commemorate the dead from the First World War in Hong Kong. The Cenotaph was initially inscribed with the words ‘The Glorious Dead’ and the years of the First World War. The years of the Second World War were later added to the memorial. In the 1980s, the eight Chinese characters, ‘英魂不朽 浩氣長存’ (‘May their martyred souls be immortal, and their noble spirits endure’) were carved on one side of the Cenotaph.
皇后像廣場,陰晴不定,50秒,24×60吋 終審法院——大樓於1912年落成並在1985至2011年間供立法機關使用。泰美斯女神雕像至今依舊昂然屹立於大樓上。終審法院現為法定古蹟並不對外開放。
Statue Square, overcast, 50 seconds, 24 x 60 inches The Court of Final Appeal Building ‒ the original building of the Supreme Court was completed in 1912, and it housed the Legislative Council between 1985 and 2011. The Statue of Justice, represented by the goddess Themis, still stands outside the building today. The Court of Final Appeal is now a historical monument and is not open to the public.
九龍塘窩打老道,晴,25秒,24×60吋 九龍東軍營——原名奧士本軍營,是英國政府於1997年7月1日交還中國政府的14塊軍事用地之一,供解放軍駐港作防衞用途,是中國恢復對香港行使主權的標記 。
Waterloo Road, Kowloon Tong, sunny, 25 seconds, 24 x 60 in Kowloon East Barracks ‒ formerly known as Osborn Barracks. The Kowloon East Army Battalion is one of the 14 military sites returned by the British Government to the Chinese Government on July 1, 1997. It is a sign that the Chinese Government has resumed its sovereignty over Hong Kong.
中環碼頭,晴,15秒,24×60吋 怡和大廈——原名康樂大廈,1973年落成,樓高52層,外牆採用圓窗,成為當年中環新填海區的地標。在1970年代曾經是香港首幢摩天大樓及東南亞最高的建築物。
Central Ferry Piers, sunny, 15 seconds, 24 x 60 inches Jardine House ‒formerly known as the Connaught Centre. Completed in 1973, the 52-storey building is renowned for its circular windows, and it was one of the landmarks of the newly reclaimed area in Central at the time of its opening. It was the first skyscraper in Hong Kong and the city’s tallest building at one point during the 1970s.