曾淑芬 TSANG Shuk Fan, Tracy 直至忘記前 Before I forget 直至忘記前 Before I forget 直至忘記前 Before I forget 直至忘記前 Before I forget 直至忘記前 Before I forget 離別成了山脈 When departure becomes mountains 離別成了山脈 When departure becomes mountains 感受言明一切 You can’t see it. You can only feel it. 感受言明一切 You can’t see it. You can only feel it. 感受言明一切 You can’t see it. You can only feel it. 感受言明一切 You can’t see it. You can only feel it. 感受言明一切 You can’t see it. You can only feel it. 忘記前忘記 Forgetfulness 忘記前忘記 Forgetfulness 同化 Assimilation 同化 Assimilation 同化 Assimilation 不過一場正反轉換 Two sides of the same (WHAT) 不過一場正反轉換 Two sides of the same (WHAT) 不過一場正反轉換 Two sides of the same (WHAT) 不過一場正反轉換 Two sides of the same (WHAT) Darkness (In progress) Darkness (In progress) Darkness (In progress) Darkness (In progress) 經驗 Experience觀察 Observation重複 Repetition