彳亍以行 stepbackforward

沈軍 SHEN Jun
沈軍 SHEN Jun
沈軍 SHEN Jun
沈軍 SHEN Jun
梁望琛 LEUNG Mong Sum, Joseph
關注 | News

公開招募 | Open Call

(Please scroll down for the English version)


stepbackforward.art將發展為一個特定標籤系統(tagging system)與關聯圖譜(relational mapping)的網絡檔案,與一個不斷生成與集體構築的關係網絡。而網上資源和教學法將會刊製出版,同時亦供網上免費下載,以達致資源共享。




請點擊Google Form了解申請和其他細節:https://forms.gle/gf51vwBpN5m6HQdJ6



stepbackforward.art is initiated corresponding to the artworld under the shade of the 2020 pandemics. Our attempt is to outline an alternative art ‘interface’, reconnecting individuals and communities that transcend the spatiotemporal limitations of existing art system, and revealing a dynamic Hong Kong art ecology and opening up an alternative mode of participation and possibilities. It is a yearning for ‘publicness’ that brings about stepbackforward.art, not as an institutionalised agency, but as an ‘open platform’ developed in a bottom-up approach.


Eventually stepbackforward.art will generate a tagging system and relational mapping through the keywords and archives provided by the participating artists, which develops into an continuously expanding online archives. Online resources and pedagogies will be published and made available for free online download. Through stepbackforward.art, we strive to preserve part of the ‘present’ , a narrow rift stretched by fragmented archives in the online space-time and an interstice in the transition of generations and the times.


For the first stage of the project, we will launch an open call for young local artists between the ages of 21-35, to recruit their artist methodologies (Researching, artmaking and surviving) and their keywords, images/text/video/sound / other materials; in addition, honorarium will be paid to participating artists that confirm to contribute in questionnaires, dialogues and publication.


Please click into the Google form hyperlink for application and other details: https://forms.gle/gf51vwBpN5m6HQdJ6
Application deadline: 7th Feb, 2021 (Sunday) 11:59pm