這些沙盤都是連接另一個時空的視窗,每一個元素都在另一個次元中模擬神話與歷史交融的各種可能。我在自己創作畫面時也與每個元素對話,也會借由他們之後來回答。這種駕神役鬼的快感,這就如同是小孩在沙坑上擺弄一個個小玩偶玩家家酒一般不亦樂乎。These scenarios are windows to another time and space, each element simulates the possibilities of mythology and history in another dimension. I also talk to each of the elements as I create my own images, and later answer all kinds of questions through them. The pleasure of playing with the gods and ghosts is like a child playing with a small doll in a sand table.(張文智 ZHANG Wenzhi)