曾經有一段時間,看新聞看直播看到不能自拔,嚴重影響自己的心情及思考,打亂了日常的生活,難以創作。There was once a period of time when I couldn’t stop watching the live news broadcast, which seriously affected my mood and thinking, disrupting my daily life and making it difficult to make art. (黃詩慧 WONG Sze Wai)
歷史 History
曾經有一段時間,看新聞看直播看到不能自拔,嚴重影響自己的心情及思考,打亂了日常的生活,難以創作。There was once a period of time when I couldn’t stop watching the live news broadcast, which seriously affected my mood and thinking, disrupting my daily life and making it difficult to make art. (黃詩慧 WONG Sze Wai)
曾經有一段時間,看新聞看直播看到不能自拔,嚴重影響自己的心情及思考,打亂了日常的生活,難以創作。There was once a period of time when I couldn’t stop watching the live news broadcast, which seriously affected my mood and thinking, disrupting my daily life and making it difficult to make art. (黃詩慧 WONG Sze Wai)
曾經有一段時間,看新聞看直播看到不能自拔,嚴重影響自己的心情及思考,打亂了日常的生活,難以創作。There was once a period of time when I couldn’t stop watching the live news broadcast, which seriously affected my mood and thinking, disrupting my daily life and making it difficult to make art. (黃詩慧 WONG Sze Wai)
曾經有一段時間,看新聞看直播看到不能自拔,嚴重影響自己的心情及思考,打亂了日常的生活,難以創作。There was once a period of time when I couldn’t stop watching the live news broadcast, which seriously affected my mood and thinking, disrupting my daily life and making it difficult to make art. (黃詩慧 WONG Sze Wai)
曾經有一段時間,看新聞看直播看到不能自拔,嚴重影響自己的心情及思考,打亂了日常的生活,難以創作。There was once a period of time when I couldn’t stop watching the live news broadcast, which seriously affected my mood and thinking, disrupting my daily life and making it difficult to make art. (黃詩慧 WONG Sze Wai)
曾經有一段時間,看新聞看直播看到不能自拔,嚴重影響自己的心情及思考,打亂了日常的生活,難以創作。There was once a period of time when I couldn’t stop watching the live news broadcast, which seriously affected my mood and thinking, disrupting my daily life and making it difficult to make art. (黃詩慧 WONG Sze Wai)
曾經有一段時間,看新聞看直播看到不能自拔,嚴重影響自己的心情及思考,打亂了日常的生活,難以創作。There was once a period of time when I couldn’t stop watching the live news broadcast, which seriously affected my mood and thinking, disrupting my daily life and making it difficult to make art. (黃詩慧 WONG Sze Wai)
曾經有一段時間,看新聞看直播看到不能自拔,嚴重影響自己的心情及思考,打亂了日常的生活,難以創作。There was once a period of time when I couldn’t stop watching the live news broadcast, which seriously affected my mood and thinking, disrupting my daily life and making it difficult to make art. (黃詩慧 WONG Sze Wai)
曾經有一段時間,看新聞看直播看到不能自拔,嚴重影響自己的心情及思考,打亂了日常的生活,難以創作。There was once a period of time when I couldn’t stop watching the live news broadcast, which seriously affected my mood and thinking, disrupting my daily life and making it difficult to make art. (黃詩慧 WONG Sze Wai)
曾經有一段時間,看新聞看直播看到不能自拔,嚴重影響自己的心情及思考,打亂了日常的生活,難以創作。There was once a period of time when I couldn’t stop watching the live news broadcast, which seriously affected my mood and thinking, disrupting my daily life and making it difficult to make art. (黃詩慧 WONG Sze Wai)
曾經有一段時間,看新聞看直播看到不能自拔,嚴重影響自己的心情及思考,打亂了日常的生活,難以創作。There was once a period of time when I couldn’t stop watching the live news broadcast, which seriously affected my mood and thinking, disrupting my daily life and making it difficult to make art. (黃詩慧 WONG Sze Wai)
曾經有一段時間,看新聞看直播看到不能自拔,嚴重影響自己的心情及思考,打亂了日常的生活,難以創作。There was once a period of time when I couldn’t stop watching the live news broadcast, which seriously affected my mood and thinking, disrupting my daily life and making it difficult to make art. (黃詩慧 WONG Sze Wai)
曾經有一段時間,看新聞看直播看到不能自拔,嚴重影響自己的心情及思考,打亂了日常的生活,難以創作。There was once a period of time when I couldn’t stop watching the live news broadcast, which seriously affected my mood and thinking, disrupting my daily life and making it difficult to make art. (黃詩慧 WONG Sze Wai)
曾經有一段時間,看新聞看直播看到不能自拔,嚴重影響自己的心情及思考,打亂了日常的生活,難以創作。There was once a period of time when I couldn’t stop watching the live news broadcast, which seriously affected my mood and thinking, disrupting my daily life and making it difficult to make art. (黃詩慧 WONG Sze Wai)
曾經有一段時間,看新聞看直播看到不能自拔,嚴重影響自己的心情及思考,打亂了日常的生活,難以創作。There was once a period of time when I couldn’t stop watching the live news broadcast, which seriously affected my mood and thinking, disrupting my daily life and making it difficult to make art. (黃詩慧 WONG Sze Wai)
曾經有一段時間,看新聞看直播看到不能自拔,嚴重影響自己的心情及思考,打亂了日常的生活,難以創作。There was once a period of time when I couldn’t stop watching the live news broadcast, which seriously affected my mood and thinking, disrupting my daily life and making it difficult to make art. (黃詩慧 WONG Sze Wai)
曾經有一段時間,看新聞看直播看到不能自拔,嚴重影響自己的心情及思考,打亂了日常的生活,難以創作。There was once a period of time when I couldn’t stop watching the live news broadcast, which seriously affected my mood and thinking, disrupting my daily life and making it difficult to make art. (黃詩慧 WONG Sze Wai)

A ray of light pierces into a withered space,
reviving scenes that will soon vanish. (鄧廣燊與袁雅芝 TANG Kwong San & YUEN Nga Chi)
In the 1950s, public phone booths were installed across Hong Kong by the British Hong Kong Government. As technological advancements have provided city-wide network coverage, the gleams of smartphone screens are seen flitting in the streets. Scattered across the city are disused phone booths that are about one square metre in size, with
broken lightboxes inside. We wrapped a disused booth in a reflective cover, and added a coin from the colonial era with a hole drilled in it,
turning the booth into a pinhole darkroom. Through the inverted images inside the booth, the viewer shuttles back and forth between different landmarks before and after the handover, tracing the endlessly shifting political relationship between ‘deconstruct’ and ‘construction’ in the city.(鄧廣燊與袁雅芝 TANG Kwong San & YUEN Nga Chi)
A discarded phone booth waiting to be dismantled,
a memento of the Queen still being circulated today.(鄧廣燊與袁雅芝 TANG Kwong San & YUEN Nga Chi)
A ray of light pierces into a withered space,
reviving scenes that will soon vanish. (鄧廣燊與袁雅芝 TANG Kwong San & YUEN Nga Chi)
In the 1950s, public phone booths were installed across Hong Kong by the British Hong Kong Government. As technological advancements have provided city-wide network coverage, the gleams of smartphone screens are seen flitting in the streets. Scattered across the city are disused phone booths that are about one square metre in size, with
broken lightboxes inside. We wrapped a disused booth in a reflective cover, and added a coin from the colonial era with a hole drilled in it,
turning the booth into a pinhole darkroom. Through the inverted images inside the booth, the viewer shuttles back and forth between different landmarks before and after the handover, tracing the endlessly shifting political relationship between ‘deconstruct’ and ‘construction’ in the city.(鄧廣燊與袁雅芝 TANG Kwong San & YUEN Nga Chi)
A discarded phone booth waiting to be dismantled,
a memento of the Queen still being circulated today.(鄧廣燊與袁雅芝 TANG Kwong San & YUEN Nga Chi)
A ray of light pierces into a withered space,
reviving scenes that will soon vanish. (鄧廣燊與袁雅芝 TANG Kwong San & YUEN Nga Chi)
In the 1950s, public phone booths were installed across Hong Kong by the British Hong Kong Government. As technological advancements have provided city-wide network coverage, the gleams of smartphone screens are seen flitting in the streets. Scattered across the city are disused phone booths that are about one square metre in size, with
broken lightboxes inside. We wrapped a disused booth in a reflective cover, and added a coin from the colonial era with a hole drilled in it,
turning the booth into a pinhole darkroom. Through the inverted images inside the booth, the viewer shuttles back and forth between different landmarks before and after the handover, tracing the endlessly shifting political relationship between ‘deconstruct’ and ‘construction’ in the city.(鄧廣燊與袁雅芝 TANG Kwong San & YUEN Nga Chi)
A discarded phone booth waiting to be dismantled,
a memento of the Queen still being circulated today.(鄧廣燊與袁雅芝 TANG Kwong San & YUEN Nga Chi)
A ray of light pierces into a withered space,
reviving scenes that will soon vanish. (鄧廣燊與袁雅芝 TANG Kwong San & YUEN Nga Chi)
In the 1950s, public phone booths were installed across Hong Kong by the British Hong Kong Government. As technological advancements have provided city-wide network coverage, the gleams of smartphone screens are seen flitting in the streets. Scattered across the city are disused phone booths that are about one square metre in size, with
broken lightboxes inside. We wrapped a disused booth in a reflective cover, and added a coin from the colonial era with a hole drilled in it,
turning the booth into a pinhole darkroom. Through the inverted images inside the booth, the viewer shuttles back and forth between different landmarks before and after the handover, tracing the endlessly shifting political relationship between ‘deconstruct’ and ‘construction’ in the city.(鄧廣燊與袁雅芝 TANG Kwong San & YUEN Nga Chi)
A discarded phone booth waiting to be dismantled,
a memento of the Queen still being circulated today.(鄧廣燊與袁雅芝 TANG Kwong San & YUEN Nga Chi)
A ray of light pierces into a withered space,
reviving scenes that will soon vanish. (鄧廣燊與袁雅芝 TANG Kwong San & YUEN Nga Chi)
In the 1950s, public phone booths were installed across Hong Kong by the British Hong Kong Government. As technological advancements have provided city-wide network coverage, the gleams of smartphone screens are seen flitting in the streets. Scattered across the city are disused phone booths that are about one square metre in size, with
broken lightboxes inside. We wrapped a disused booth in a reflective cover, and added a coin from the colonial era with a hole drilled in it,
turning the booth into a pinhole darkroom. Through the inverted images inside the booth, the viewer shuttles back and forth between different landmarks before and after the handover, tracing the endlessly shifting political relationship between ‘deconstruct’ and ‘construction’ in the city.(鄧廣燊與袁雅芝 TANG Kwong San & YUEN Nga Chi)
A discarded phone booth waiting to be dismantled,
a memento of the Queen still being circulated today.(鄧廣燊與袁雅芝 TANG Kwong San & YUEN Nga Chi)
A ray of light pierces into a withered space,
reviving scenes that will soon vanish. (鄧廣燊與袁雅芝 TANG Kwong San & YUEN Nga Chi)
In the 1950s, public phone booths were installed across Hong Kong by the British Hong Kong Government. As technological advancements have provided city-wide network coverage, the gleams of smartphone screens are seen flitting in the streets. Scattered across the city are disused phone booths that are about one square metre in size, with
broken lightboxes inside. We wrapped a disused booth in a reflective cover, and added a coin from the colonial era with a hole drilled in it,
turning the booth into a pinhole darkroom. Through the inverted images inside the booth, the viewer shuttles back and forth between different landmarks before and after the handover, tracing the endlessly shifting political relationship between ‘deconstruct’ and ‘construction’ in the city.(鄧廣燊與袁雅芝 TANG Kwong San & YUEN Nga Chi)
A discarded phone booth waiting to be dismantled,
a memento of the Queen still being circulated today.(鄧廣燊與袁雅芝 TANG Kwong San & YUEN Nga Chi)
A ray of light pierces into a withered space,
reviving scenes that will soon vanish. (鄧廣燊與袁雅芝 TANG Kwong San & YUEN Nga Chi)
In the 1950s, public phone booths were installed across Hong Kong by the British Hong Kong Government. As technological advancements have provided city-wide network coverage, the gleams of smartphone screens are seen flitting in the streets. Scattered across the city are disused phone booths that are about one square metre in size, with
broken lightboxes inside. We wrapped a disused booth in a reflective cover, and added a coin from the colonial era with a hole drilled in it,
turning the booth into a pinhole darkroom. Through the inverted images inside the booth, the viewer shuttles back and forth between different landmarks before and after the handover, tracing the endlessly shifting political relationship between ‘deconstruct’ and ‘construction’ in the city.(鄧廣燊與袁雅芝 TANG Kwong San & YUEN Nga Chi)
A discarded phone booth waiting to be dismantled,
a memento of the Queen still being circulated today.(鄧廣燊與袁雅芝 TANG Kwong San & YUEN Nga Chi)
A ray of light pierces into a withered space,
reviving scenes that will soon vanish. (鄧廣燊與袁雅芝 TANG Kwong San & YUEN Nga Chi)
In the 1950s, public phone booths were installed across Hong Kong by the British Hong Kong Government. As technological advancements have provided city-wide network coverage, the gleams of smartphone screens are seen flitting in the streets. Scattered across the city are disused phone booths that are about one square metre in size, with
broken lightboxes inside. We wrapped a disused booth in a reflective cover, and added a coin from the colonial era with a hole drilled in it,
turning the booth into a pinhole darkroom. Through the inverted images inside the booth, the viewer shuttles back and forth between different landmarks before and after the handover, tracing the endlessly shifting political relationship between ‘deconstruct’ and ‘construction’ in the city.(鄧廣燊與袁雅芝 TANG Kwong San & YUEN Nga Chi)
A discarded phone booth waiting to be dismantled,
a memento of the Queen still being circulated today.(鄧廣燊與袁雅芝 TANG Kwong San & YUEN Nga Chi)
A ray of light pierces into a withered space,
reviving scenes that will soon vanish. (鄧廣燊與袁雅芝 TANG Kwong San & YUEN Nga Chi)
In the 1950s, public phone booths were installed across Hong Kong by the British Hong Kong Government. As technological advancements have provided city-wide network coverage, the gleams of smartphone screens are seen flitting in the streets. Scattered across the city are disused phone booths that are about one square metre in size, with
broken lightboxes inside. We wrapped a disused booth in a reflective cover, and added a coin from the colonial era with a hole drilled in it,
turning the booth into a pinhole darkroom. Through the inverted images inside the booth, the viewer shuttles back and forth between different landmarks before and after the handover, tracing the endlessly shifting political relationship between ‘deconstruct’ and ‘construction’ in the city.(鄧廣燊與袁雅芝 TANG Kwong San & YUEN Nga Chi)
A discarded phone booth waiting to be dismantled,
a memento of the Queen still being circulated today.(鄧廣燊與袁雅芝 TANG Kwong San & YUEN Nga Chi)
A ray of light pierces into a withered space,
reviving scenes that will soon vanish. (鄧廣燊與袁雅芝 TANG Kwong San & YUEN Nga Chi)
In the 1950s, public phone booths were installed across Hong Kong by the British Hong Kong Government. As technological advancements have provided city-wide network coverage, the gleams of smartphone screens are seen flitting in the streets. Scattered across the city are disused phone booths that are about one square metre in size, with
broken lightboxes inside. We wrapped a disused booth in a reflective cover, and added a coin from the colonial era with a hole drilled in it,
turning the booth into a pinhole darkroom. Through the inverted images inside the booth, the viewer shuttles back and forth between different landmarks before and after the handover, tracing the endlessly shifting political relationship between ‘deconstruct’ and ‘construction’ in the city.(鄧廣燊與袁雅芝 TANG Kwong San & YUEN Nga Chi)
A discarded phone booth waiting to be dismantled,
a memento of the Queen still being circulated today.(鄧廣燊與袁雅芝 TANG Kwong San & YUEN Nga Chi)
A ray of light pierces into a withered space,
reviving scenes that will soon vanish. (鄧廣燊與袁雅芝 TANG Kwong San & YUEN Nga Chi)
In the 1950s, public phone booths were installed across Hong Kong by the British Hong Kong Government. As technological advancements have provided city-wide network coverage, the gleams of smartphone screens are seen flitting in the streets. Scattered across the city are disused phone booths that are about one square metre in size, with
broken lightboxes inside. We wrapped a disused booth in a reflective cover, and added a coin from the colonial era with a hole drilled in it,
turning the booth into a pinhole darkroom. Through the inverted images inside the booth, the viewer shuttles back and forth between different landmarks before and after the handover, tracing the endlessly shifting political relationship between ‘deconstruct’ and ‘construction’ in the city.(鄧廣燊與袁雅芝 TANG Kwong San & YUEN Nga Chi)
A discarded phone booth waiting to be dismantled,
a memento of the Queen still being circulated today.(鄧廣燊與袁雅芝 TANG Kwong San & YUEN Nga Chi)
A ray of light pierces into a withered space,
reviving scenes that will soon vanish. (鄧廣燊與袁雅芝 TANG Kwong San & YUEN Nga Chi)
In the 1950s, public phone booths were installed across Hong Kong by the British Hong Kong Government. As technological advancements have provided city-wide network coverage, the gleams of smartphone screens are seen flitting in the streets. Scattered across the city are disused phone booths that are about one square metre in size, with
broken lightboxes inside. We wrapped a disused booth in a reflective cover, and added a coin from the colonial era with a hole drilled in it,
turning the booth into a pinhole darkroom. Through the inverted images inside the booth, the viewer shuttles back and forth between different landmarks before and after the handover, tracing the endlessly shifting political relationship between ‘deconstruct’ and ‘construction’ in the city.(鄧廣燊與袁雅芝 TANG Kwong San & YUEN Nga Chi)
A discarded phone booth waiting to be dismantled,
a memento of the Queen still being circulated today.(鄧廣燊與袁雅芝 TANG Kwong San & YUEN Nga Chi)
A ray of light pierces into a withered space,
reviving scenes that will soon vanish. (鄧廣燊與袁雅芝 TANG Kwong San & YUEN Nga Chi)
In the 1950s, public phone booths were installed across Hong Kong by the British Hong Kong Government. As technological advancements have provided city-wide network coverage, the gleams of smartphone screens are seen flitting in the streets. Scattered across the city are disused phone booths that are about one square metre in size, with
broken lightboxes inside. We wrapped a disused booth in a reflective cover, and added a coin from the colonial era with a hole drilled in it,
turning the booth into a pinhole darkroom. Through the inverted images inside the booth, the viewer shuttles back and forth between different landmarks before and after the handover, tracing the endlessly shifting political relationship between ‘deconstruct’ and ‘construction’ in the city.(鄧廣燊與袁雅芝 TANG Kwong San & YUEN Nga Chi)
A discarded phone booth waiting to be dismantled,
a memento of the Queen still being circulated today.(鄧廣燊與袁雅芝 TANG Kwong San & YUEN Nga Chi)
A ray of light pierces into a withered space,
reviving scenes that will soon vanish. (鄧廣燊與袁雅芝 TANG Kwong San & YUEN Nga Chi)
In the 1950s, public phone booths were installed across Hong Kong by the British Hong Kong Government. As technological advancements have provided city-wide network coverage, the gleams of smartphone screens are seen flitting in the streets. Scattered across the city are disused phone booths that are about one square metre in size, with
broken lightboxes inside. We wrapped a disused booth in a reflective cover, and added a coin from the colonial era with a hole drilled in it,
turning the booth into a pinhole darkroom. Through the inverted images inside the booth, the viewer shuttles back and forth between different landmarks before and after the handover, tracing the endlessly shifting political relationship between ‘deconstruct’ and ‘construction’ in the city.(鄧廣燊與袁雅芝 TANG Kwong San & YUEN Nga Chi)
A discarded phone booth waiting to be dismantled,
a memento of the Queen still being circulated today.(鄧廣燊與袁雅芝 TANG Kwong San & YUEN Nga Chi)
A ray of light pierces into a withered space,
reviving scenes that will soon vanish. (鄧廣燊與袁雅芝 TANG Kwong San & YUEN Nga Chi)
In the 1950s, public phone booths were installed across Hong Kong by the British Hong Kong Government. As technological advancements have provided city-wide network coverage, the gleams of smartphone screens are seen flitting in the streets. Scattered across the city are disused phone booths that are about one square metre in size, with
broken lightboxes inside. We wrapped a disused booth in a reflective cover, and added a coin from the colonial era with a hole drilled in it,
turning the booth into a pinhole darkroom. Through the inverted images inside the booth, the viewer shuttles back and forth between different landmarks before and after the handover, tracing the endlessly shifting political relationship between ‘deconstruct’ and ‘construction’ in the city.(鄧廣燊與袁雅芝 TANG Kwong San & YUEN Nga Chi)
A discarded phone booth waiting to be dismantled,
a memento of the Queen still being circulated today.(鄧廣燊與袁雅芝 TANG Kwong San & YUEN Nga Chi)
A ray of light pierces into a withered space,
reviving scenes that will soon vanish. (鄧廣燊與袁雅芝 TANG Kwong San & YUEN Nga Chi)
In the 1950s, public phone booths were installed across Hong Kong by the British Hong Kong Government. As technological advancements have provided city-wide network coverage, the gleams of smartphone screens are seen flitting in the streets. Scattered across the city are disused phone booths that are about one square metre in size, with
broken lightboxes inside. We wrapped a disused booth in a reflective cover, and added a coin from the colonial era with a hole drilled in it,
turning the booth into a pinhole darkroom. Through the inverted images inside the booth, the viewer shuttles back and forth between different landmarks before and after the handover, tracing the endlessly shifting political relationship between ‘deconstruct’ and ‘construction’ in the city.(鄧廣燊與袁雅芝 TANG Kwong San & YUEN Nga Chi)
A discarded phone booth waiting to be dismantled,
a memento of the Queen still being circulated today.(鄧廣燊與袁雅芝 TANG Kwong San & YUEN Nga Chi)
A ray of light pierces into a withered space,
reviving scenes that will soon vanish. (鄧廣燊與袁雅芝 TANG Kwong San & YUEN Nga Chi)
In the 1950s, public phone booths were installed across Hong Kong by the British Hong Kong Government. As technological advancements have provided city-wide network coverage, the gleams of smartphone screens are seen flitting in the streets. Scattered across the city are disused phone booths that are about one square metre in size, with
broken lightboxes inside. We wrapped a disused booth in a reflective cover, and added a coin from the colonial era with a hole drilled in it,
turning the booth into a pinhole darkroom. Through the inverted images inside the booth, the viewer shuttles back and forth between different landmarks before and after the handover, tracing the endlessly shifting political relationship between ‘deconstruct’ and ‘construction’ in the city.(鄧廣燊與袁雅芝 TANG Kwong San & YUEN Nga Chi)
A discarded phone booth waiting to be dismantled,
a memento of the Queen still being circulated today.(鄧廣燊與袁雅芝 TANG Kwong San & YUEN Nga Chi)
A ray of light pierces into a withered space,
reviving scenes that will soon vanish. (鄧廣燊與袁雅芝 TANG Kwong San & YUEN Nga Chi)
In the 1950s, public phone booths were installed across Hong Kong by the British Hong Kong Government. As technological advancements have provided city-wide network coverage, the gleams of smartphone screens are seen flitting in the streets. Scattered across the city are disused phone booths that are about one square metre in size, with
broken lightboxes inside. We wrapped a disused booth in a reflective cover, and added a coin from the colonial era with a hole drilled in it,
turning the booth into a pinhole darkroom. Through the inverted images inside the booth, the viewer shuttles back and forth between different landmarks before and after the handover, tracing the endlessly shifting political relationship between ‘deconstruct’ and ‘construction’ in the city.(鄧廣燊與袁雅芝 TANG Kwong San & YUEN Nga Chi)
A discarded phone booth waiting to be dismantled,
a memento of the Queen still being circulated today.(鄧廣燊與袁雅芝 TANG Kwong San & YUEN Nga Chi)